Wearing lenses may not be that cool

November 5, 2019

For many years, I wore eyeglasses to correct my nearsightedness, but to be honest, I found glasses too old-fashioned. It is cooler to wear contact lenses. People use them all the time. They are easy to put-on, convenient, and can even change my eye color! But I never imagined that wearing contacts could cause so much trouble.

dry eye symptoms

When I began to wear contacts every day, I felt like I had something in my eyes, whenever I read too much or chatted on WhatsApp for a long time. It became much worse over time, so I looked for advice over the Internet. The story about a girl who had ripped her cornea off, after wearing contacts all day long, scared me off. I don’t want to be blind for the rest of my life.

contact lens associated dry eye disease

Finally, I told my mom about the problems with my contacts and she booked an appointment for me with an ophthalmologist. I was diagnosed with contact lens-associated dry eye disease and had to stop wearing them! Now, I don’t go anywhere without my eye lubricants.

Detect dry eye
Let’s quickly assess your symptoms using the 
Five‐item Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ-5).
This quick test is not a medical evaluation and does not replace a visit to an eye care professional who can take decisions on medical treatment, diagnosis, or prescription.

관련 게시물

Detect dry eye
Let’s quickly assess your symptoms using the 
Five‐item Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ-5).
This quick test is not a medical evaluation and does not replace a visit to an eye care professional who can take decisions on medical treatment, diagnosis, or prescription.