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How To Spot Dry Eye Disease In Children

DRY EYES SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS IN CHILDREN ‘Doctor, my kid is blinking a lot, and the eye is in pain’. This is one of the commonest complaints I see in my consultation. When sho...

Household Tips To Keep Our Eyes Healthy - The “Feng-Shui” For Your Dry Eye

The words Feng Shui have Chinese origins and translate to "wind" and "water”. It is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the n...

Understanding Eye Examination

Eye check-up is normally carried out at the clinic/ office, using different equipment which helps to magnify the eye structure. It always starts with asking...

The COVID-19 Pandemic And Dry Eyes

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has substantially changed our lives. With the number of cases and deaths continuously growing, unprecedented public health measures have been...

Does Everyone Suffer DED?

DED is not universal, it affects about 6.5 to 12% of population in Singapore, but with age, we all lose a bit of tear quantity and quality, which increases the risk of having dry...

Available Treatments For Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease is a condition where the tear quality and quantity are compromised due to multiple causes. Symptoms include: MILD Burning and gritty sensation Redness Itchiness Excessive...

Don't Forget About Dry Eye Disease In Children!

Dry eye disease is underdiagnosed and undertreated in children. Just as in adults, dry eye in children can cause discomfort and even affect vision in severe cases. Prevalence The...