How To Choose Eye Drops For DED?

October 19, 2021
  • If you have dry eye, you can go for artificial tears or eye drops that contain water-holding molecules like sodium hyaluronate. You can be prescribed for you a drug that increases the tear production.1-3
  • If you have dry eye plus signs of irritations (itchy, red eyes), you may need an anti-inflammatory/decongestant agent. For such eye drops, please follow usage instructions precisely.1-3
  • If you wear contact lenses, check with your doctor before you use any other kind of eye drops.1-3
  • In any case, seek medical advice if your problem persists or worsens with your eye drops.1-3
Detect dry eye
Let’s quickly assess your symptoms using the 
Five‐item Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ-5).
This quick test is not a medical evaluation and does not replace a visit to an eye care professional who can take decisions on medical treatment, diagnosis, or prescription.

관련 게시물

Detect dry eye
Let’s quickly assess your symptoms using the 
Five‐item Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ-5).
This quick test is not a medical evaluation and does not replace a visit to an eye care professional who can take decisions on medical treatment, diagnosis, or prescription.